Showing 1-20 of 89 items.

flv Attaching Sculpted Geometry in Mudbox

Hot:130  Size:146.61 MB  Created:2017-08-26 12:55:03  File Count:6

5. Adding displacement using multiple UV tiles.flv  38.58 MB
2. Exporting maps and geometry from Mudbox.flv  34.83 MB
3. Attaching geometry to the head in Maya.flv  29.28 MB
4. Sculpting using displacement in Mudbox.flv  28.39 MB  8.12 MB

flv Attaching Sculpted Geometry in ZBrush

Hot:257  Size:294.45 MB  Created:2017-08-27 02:07:57  File Count:6

5. Finishing the ZSphere body.flv  70.97 MB  63.85 MB
3. Creating a skin using the merged mesh.flv  58.5 MB
4. Building a new body with ZSpheres.flv  55.43 MB
2. Preparing a new body in Maya.flv  38.06 MB

flv Attaching Sculpted Geometry in ZBrush

Hot:2  Size:294.45 MB  Created:2022-03-30 07:24:11  File Count:6

5. Finishing the ZSphere body.flv  70.97 MB  63.85 MB
3. Creating a skin using the merged mesh.flv  58.5 MB
4. Building a new body with ZSpheres.flv  55.43 MB
2. Preparing a new body in Maya.flv  38.06 MB

flv Attaching Sculpted Geometry in Mudbox

Hot:38  Size:146.61 MB  Created:2022-04-24 05:31:48  File Count:6

5. Adding displacement using multiple UV tiles.flv  38.58 MB
2. Exporting maps and geometry from Mudbox.flv  34.83 MB
3. Attaching geometry to the head in Maya.flv  29.28 MB
4. Sculpting using displacement in Mudbox.flv  28.39 MB  8.12 MB

flv Digital tutors - attaching sculpted geometry in zbrush

Hot:2  Size:146.4 MB  Created:2017-10-01 01:42:38  File Count:5

Building-a-new-body-with-ZSpheres.FLV  37.3 MB
Creating-a-skin-using-the-merged-mesh.FLV  28.87 MB
Finishing-the-ZSphere-body.FLV  49.23 MB
Introduction and project overview.FLV  3.06 MB
Preparing-a-new-body-in-Maya.FLV  27.95 MB

avi 20 Minute Yoga Makeover Sculpted Buns & Thighs

Hot:7  Size:277.34 MB  Created:2017-10-14 21:52:16  File Count:2

20 Minute Yoga Makeover Sculpted Buns & Thighs.avi  256.44 MB
20 Minute Yoga Makeover Sculpted Buns & Thighs MP3.mp3  20.9 MB